Vitamin D and The Winter Blues

Winter is Coming Around this time of year, many of us Michiganders half laugh/half pout about the “6 months of winter” that’s just about to begin. Sure, there’s the fun of holidays and family get-togethers to look forward to. But we also have the luck of looking forward bitter cold, slush and ice, and extra…

5 Drug Free Treatments for Migraines

Migraines are more than just a bad headache. Migraines are a neurological disease that typically presents with an intense headache and/or other disabling symptoms. Migraine attacks will often come with one or more of the following symptoms:  visual disturbances, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sensitivity to lights, sounds, or smells, or odd sensations in the face or extremities.…

3 Must-Try Solutions For Tennis Elbow

What is Tennis Elbow?   Tennis elbow (aka lateral epicondylitis) is a painful condition that affects the muscles and tendons of the forearm where they attach to the outside of the elbow. It is typically from overuse of the muscles used to extend the wrist and fingers rather than from a single traumatic incident. If…

5 Tips for a Full Night’s Sleep

I tell people all the time that they can’t heal or get stronger without getting healthy sleep. But did you know a lack of sleep also puts you at an increased risk of injury?   A 2014 study showed that grade-school athletes that got less than 8 hours of sleep were 1.7x more likely to…

Key To a Bulletproof Core

Let me put it out there up front and apologize; getting adjusted will not get you the six pack abs you’ve been wishing for. Six-pack abs are built in the kitchen – but that’s a completely different topic. What I’m talking about is how getting spinal adjustments will help normalize how the muscles in your…

Tumeric Health Benefits | Falkner Family Chiropractic

Three Health Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice that’s been used for thousands of years in Asian cultures but recently it’s popularity has really boomed – and for good reason. Many people are adding turmeric into their meal recipes or even taking turmeric supplements to reap some of its several health benefits. Curcumin, one of the main components in…

healthy food choices | Falkner Family Chiropractic

Basic Supermarket Tips for Better Health

When it comes to diet, many people want to improve, but at the same time find themselves flustered and confused as to how they can. Given that there’s constantly new health food advice being put out on an almost daily basis, it’s easy to see how people can give up on trying to eat healthier.…